
How can you make a positive, sustainable impact in the construction industry?

ECOLOGE® brings you virtuous solutions with Cogetherm.

Here is our basic wall composition:

  • 20 cm Cogetherm® block: 25.4 kg CO2eq/m2 masonry, 50 €/m2
  • 18 cm dry-processed wood fiber, density 150 kg/m3: 8.1 kg CO2eq/m2 insulation, average price 39 €/m2

That’s about 33.5 kg CO2eq/m2 of insulated wall and about 89 €/m2 delivered price on site including mortar.

A “traditional” concrete block + xps wall composition with an equivalent U-value makes :

– 20 cm concrete block: average of 43 kg CO2eq/m2 of masonry, 30 €/m2

– 20 cm xps, density 45 kg/m3 : 45 kg CO2eq/m2 of insulation, average price 35 €/m2

That’s about 88 kg CO2eq/m2 of insulated wall and about 65 €/m2 price delivered on site including mortar.

Conclusionsss :

1) With our construction system, we reduce CO2eq/m2 emissions from insulated perimeter walls by more than a factor of 2.

2) We use components that emit no VOCs, guaranteeing you a healthy building with breathable, hydrophobic walls (no more mold or mold-related allergy development).

3) We have more than 3 times the phase-shifting efficiency (guaranteed summer comfort, an increasingly important point with climate change), so no need for air conditioning (savings on materials, maintenance, CO2 emissions and energy consumption).

4) We have much greater sound attenuation (mass of insulation)

5) This system guarantees a high level of attractiveness on the day your building is resold, as petroleum-based insulation materials have been ruled out. Buildings insulated with petroleum-based materials are likely to lose their value (as are buildings containing asbestos).

N.B. We haven’t made the comparison with polyurethane, as this material is increasingly banned by local authorities in Germany and Luxembourg, given its proven harmfulness.

This gives a difference of around €24 per m2 of insulated wall in terms of material supply (implementation may vary depending on the contractor, but the work is identical).

If we consider that a building measuring 10 m by 10 m on the ground floor in ground floor +2 represents around 300 m2 of exterior masonry (excluding doors, windows and bay windows), this represents a cost difference of around €7,200 in materials.

If we consider this for 265 m2 of living space, we’re looking at a difference of around… €27/m2 of living space in materials (and what’s the average price per m2 in your region? 😉

What’s more, you can benefit from grants and subsidies if you use sustainable materials, which helps to smooth out the differences (this varies from country to country and region to region, so check with your local authorities).

This difference is to be considered in terms of the building’s lifespan, the tons of CO2eq emissions saved and the improved health and comfort for occupants.

If you have any questions

Source: Inies database